Book On-line
- If the holiday cottage and holiday dates you want are available, no prior enquiry is necessary - you can check exact availability and make an on-line booking request via this page.
- Our prices and availability are always accurate as they are updated automatically as bookings are made.
- You will be able to complete the booking process on-line. Alternatively, you can book by telephone.
- Simply select the arrival date and the duration of your stay, then click the 'check price' button.
- You can either click through our holiday cottages on this page or use our Quick Search Facility to easily find availability across all our properties by sleeping capacity and date.
- Payment can be made afterwards by making a secure card payment on-line, by posting a cheque or by bank transfer.
- All prices are in Pounds GB.
- Please check our news and offers page for details of any current offers, cancellations or late availability.
- Our booking conditions are shown in our holiday information section.
- Our opt-in mailing list will be used to send occasional emails about our holiday cottage, including details of any offers or last minute cancellations. We comply with the terms of Data Protection legislation. We promise not to share your details with any third parties and to remove your details upon request.
- All booking requests are subject to final written confirmation.
Contact Information
- Susie Sutherland
Outchester & Ross Farm Cottages
Ross Farm
NE70 7EN - telephone : 01668 213336
Group A
- The Ducket (2)
This cottage is let for full weeks and three-night weekend and four-night midweek short breaks all year round with change-overs on Fridays and Mondays.
Group B
- Oystercatcher (6)
- Curlew (4)
- East Coastguard (4)
- Puffin (2)
These cottages are let for full weeks only from April until October with Saturday change-overs. From November to March, shortbreaks are available from Friday to Monday or full weeks from Friday to Friday.
Group C
- Oystershell (6)
- Sandpiper (6)
- Shepherd's (6)
- Skylark (6)
- The Beacons (4)
These cottages have Saturday change-overs and are let for full weeks only all year round.
Group D
- Dovecote (4)
- Hedgehope (4)
- Kittiwake (4)
- West Coastguard (4)
- Eiderduck (2)
These cottages are let for full weeks with Saturday change-overs. From November to March, midweek short breaks are available Monday to Friday.